Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Summers in Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee is absolutely beautiful. I have spent the summers of 2011 and 2012 working in a housing project with underprivileged, inner-city elementary, middle, and high school aged kids. “Why on earth would you want to work with a bunch of kids like that?” you might ask. My answer; because every child, no matter how terrible you might think they are, should be loved, and if they aren't getting that love at home, then they’re getting that from myself and the other summer staff at a place called Western Heights Baptist Center. I have worked at Western Heights Baptist Center for the summers of 2011 and 2012, and I am going back the summer of 2013. Both summers I have been blessed with amazing co-workers and my bosses are spectacular! The kids I have worked with both summers have been wonderful and they all challenged me in different ways. Some were extremely hard to love because they refused to open up and talk, and others were hard to love because they were just so needy. Both summers were wonderful but each summer was different; each provided me with its own set of challenges, victories and opportunities.
My first summer in Knoxville I didn't really make any friends; the family I lived with had to drive me everywhere because I didn't have a vehicle so I went to church with them where everyone my age had their own group of friends and weren't very welcoming to a newcomer, and the people that were welcoming always seemed to be out of town. I also didn't get to know my coworkers very well because I was several years younger than them and we were all extremely task-oriented and as a result, we didn't work on building the relationships we had with one another. Whereas my second summer in Tennessee was very different; I had a vehicle, therefore I was able to go to the church that I wanted to go to, and hang out with the people I met. My co-workers that summer were great also; we were all task oriented, but we meshed so well together, knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and genuinely enjoyed spending time with one another.
Both summers my job was to work with the kids and teens at Western Heights Baptist Center. The first summer my primary job was to work with the elementary kids and lead craft time. I spent a lot of time getting craft supplies together, and testing crafts to make sure that it was something all the kids would be able to do with minimal help. Then I would supervise, help and fix the crafts that the kids were making. In contrast, the second summer I had two primary jobs; Bible time for the elementary kids, and the middle school girls program. Getting Bible time ready wasn't too difficult; I had everything I needed, it was just reviewing the materials my boss gave me. The middle school girls program was a little more difficult for me to plan. One of my co-workers and I lead the program together under the supervision of our boss, she gave us the Bible curriculum to use, but we had to figure out how to make things run smooth, and activities to do with the girls.
I worked with most of the same kids both summer; I worked with inner-city and underprivileged kids and teens and most of the same kids were there both summers. The first summer I spent a lot of time getting to know the kids and figuring out how to respond and react to them. I also helped with the middle/high school boys occasionally and had to figure out how to work with them. I had to figure out how to respond and react to kids who didn't trust me at all and come up with a solution to gain their trust and respect. Whereas my second summer, all of those things were set in place because I was working with most of the same kids and they all knew me from the previous year. The second summer was spent deepening the relationships with the elementary kids and middle/high school boys, but I also had to decide how to communicate with middle school aged girls who were obsessed with boys. (I was not like that at their age and had a hard time relating to them.)
Both summers were spectacular and I loved every second I was there, despite the many challenges I faced. I learned a lot and value the time that went into developing the relationships with my bosses and the kids the first summer, and all the first experiences I had that year. One of the biggest things I learned my first year is that every child, despite how incredibly difficult they may be; needs to be loved. They may be unlovable and act like they don’t want you around and say they hate you. (I experienced that a lot my first year) They don’t mean it; they’re just trying to protect themselves from getting hurt. I had to relearn that lesson a little my second year as well. The biggest lesson I learned my second year was how to converse and relate to middle school girls. I don’t have any sisters, I have never been boy crazy and I have never been one of those girls who enjoy traveling in packs and giggles all the time. The middle school girls that I worked with were very sweet girls; but they were the exact opposite of me when I was that age. I had to learn how to converse with girls younger than me because I had only ever spent time with girls my age or older. Once I learned how to communicate with them everything went very well and I developed fairly good relationships with them.
I would say that my second year was much better than my first. The main reason is because I knew what to expect; I had a vehicle, friends and the relationships with the kids was already there and I didn't have to work to regain their trust. I will be returning there the summer of 2013 and I hope to deepen the relationships with all of the elementary, middle and high school kids, as well as strengthen the relationships with my bosses. I can’t wait to go back for my third year and work with all of the wonderful people of Knoxville Tennessee again.
I am needing to raise roughly $700 for my trip this year. That money goes toward my travel there, gas and living in Tennessee and my trip back. Please be prayerfully considering the part God may have you play in my trip. I would greatly appreciate anything you would be able to contribute to my trip.
God is going to use me to do Beautiful things in Tennessee for the summer of 2013, please consider helping me get there!
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