Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Typical Week

There is no "normal" day for me. "Normal" does not exist, we have organized chaos. Every day for me looks different. So here is a little peek into what my week typically looks like!
Mondays are crazy, I get to work at 9 everyday and the elementary kids arrive by 9:30, and then program begins! The morning activities are different every day, Mondays we have Fitness and Nutrition. We have two wonderful ladies who come in and do this with the kids. Tuesdays and Thursdays are Market days at the Baptist Center and we take the kids on field trips during the mornings, so Tuesday's we go to swim lessons! 25ish kids who can't swim + water + 4 lifeguards = a very interesting morning, the kids love the lifeguards that are teaching them to swim. We started the summer with zero swimmers and we have at least 5 who can swim now! Wednesdays we do Science and Math with the kids that my co-workers Elizabeth and Josiah usually lead, then we let the kids play outside to give their brains a break from learning. :) Thursdays we take the kids away from the Baptist Center again and we go to Computer Labs where the kids play educational games and have Reader's Theater where the kids get a part in a story and read it aloud (I love Reader's Theater, it's always fun).
          Monday through Thursday the afternoons are all the same so this will be easy to take you through. :) We have mission teams that come in almost all summer and they run VBS for the kids in the afternoons from 12:30-3:30 Monday-Thursday, so my job during that time is to stay with one of the groups of kids, assist the mission team people and make sure the kids are where they need to be and make sure they're behaving. At 4:00 the middle and high schoolers come in and we have Bible study, supper, and we usually try to do something fun. My co-workers Savanah, Caitlyn and I lead the middle school girls Bible study and we love our girls! We have the middle and high schoolers from 4-6 then our day ends!

       Fridays are my favorite day of the week. Why? Because Friday is Fun Day! We take the elementary kids on a fun field trip and so far we have gone to Worlds Fair Park, Roller Skating, Children's Museum and a few other places. We also have fun day with the middle and high schoolers, but those are usually planning something fun to do at the Baptist Center, usually the Wii gets brought in and we just have fun with them! Then BAM! The week is over! Needless to say, the summer has flown by with my crazy (But good!) busy weeks!

 Brandon and I!
 Savanah and Elizabeth got some of the girls to push them on the swings. :)
 Some of my elementary girls getting ready to put on a little skit for Caitlyn and I!
 My group of kids for VBS this week.
 One of my middle school girls! Her name is Kiki!
 Some of my wonderful middle school girls and boys, one of my high school boys, one of the high school graduates and Josiah my co-worker!
Three of my elementary kids and one of my high school brothers going off the diving board at swim lessons!
So there is what a typical week looks like for me! Hope you enjoyed, it's not what I normally do, but it was a request by my Mom. :) Here are some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your post. It was interesting to hear what you do---sounds like your days are very full and fun. Good thing you are young, it would wear me out. Love you, Grama.
