Monday, June 18, 2012


This summer is totally different from last summer. Why? Because I have friends this year. Last summer I had no friends, part of it was because I didn't want to make friends only to leave, be forgotten, and possibly never see them again. This year, I have friends! The thought of loving these people then leaving them and being forgotten still scares me a little, but I need friends. The fear of what would happen if I didn't have friends far outweighs the fear of making friends then being forgotten once I leave. I took a risk by going to a small group gathering where I knew absolutely nobody, but it definitely was a risk worth taking. I now have new friends who will speak truth into my life, I can speak truth into theirs, we can share each others burdens, rejoice with one another, take communion together, watch basketball together and just be part of each others daily living. I love that! People are wanting to get involved at the Baptist Center where I work, and are wanting to join me on mission there and I just feel like this is where God wants me. God's hand is all over this summer! He has blessed me with some amazing new friends here in Knoxville, a wonderful church community to be apart of,  great co-workers, and fun kids to challenge me daily. I know that leaving here at the end of July is going to be one of the hardest things I will ever do, but I also know that God has a plan, and my prayer is that part of His plan involves me moving to Knoxville, working at the Baptist Center, and becoming heavily involved in the church community I am in right now. God is doing some pretty Beautiful Things in my life right now, and I can't wait to see what else He will do!
Praise God for friendships and community they are truly a very Beautiful Thing designed by Him!

(P.s. Sorry if this seems all over the place, random or sloppy. It's 1am!)


  1. Brittany, you're being too hard on yourself in apologizing for what you refer to as "seems all over the place, random, or sloppy." It makes so much sense. The enemy doesn't want you to be impacting lives for Jesus' sake in Knoxville and feeling secure in your relationships in Knoxville. I am so happy to be just a small player in this stage of your maturing in the Lord. SO, I'm saying: "You go girl!"

  2. Yea! Glad to see all is coming into focus! Hope you have a wonderful summer.
